Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Cambridge Diet official website

Find out more about The Cambridge Diet from the website given below, should you want to know more please contact Lucius at 012-670 9385 and ask for a free body fat check to find out the details on your under skin fat level and internal body fat level.

The ‘Men Are From Mars’ Diet

How men approach weight loss and why

It struck me whilst sitting in on a couple of weight loss focus groups recently what huge differences there are between the sexes when it comes to dieting. Now, I’m sure this doesn’t come as a great shock to anyone but what was interesting was the different reasons given in these Groups for going on a diet.

Predominately the woman said they were trying to lose weight either for their own health or because they wanted to look ‘good’. None of those in the female groups said they were doing it for their family.

The guys on the other hand all seemed to be doing it for someone (or something) else. Nearly all of them were dads and this was a big factor in their motivation to lose weight. Even our own Slimmer of the Year, Adam Fisher, says that he didn’t want to be the fat dad at the sports day or when picking the kids up from school – and ended up losing a lot of weight.

The male group had all shifted the reasons away from themselves and onto other people. One or two said their partners nagged them so much about their weight they were doing a diet under duress (is that a route to success?) Or they were doing it with their partners as a show of solidarity. Whilst some had particular medical issues that losing weight could alleviate.

But mostly it was about the men recognising their own mortality – they wanted to play football with their sons and be there to see their daughters grow up and get married.

Even though the balance of power in modern relationships has shifted to the centre (with work and home responsibilities being more evenly shared) these men still saw it as their duty to ensure they would be around (and, one should suppose, to look after and support) their family as long as they could.

The media messages about the dangers of overweight and obesity has really struck a cord with these guys. None, however, said they were doing diet to fit in a particular sized pair of jeans.

When choosing which diet to go on, nearly all of the men were put off by group meetings, preferring one-to-one at worst and not meeting anyone at all but reading it from a book at best. But when the groups got around to discussing being on the Cambridge Diet, the men really showed why they are mainly from Mars!

They loved being on Cambridge because of the ‘strategic’ approach it allowed them to take to their weight loss. Nearly all of them had created a computer spreadsheet tracking their weight and BMI over the period they were using it.

Some had worked out almost to the day when they would reach their goal weight because they knew exactly how many calories per day they were consuming and expanding (one brought a print out with him to the group to show everyone else).

They loved the simplicity of the Diet and the ‘no hassle’ nature of preparing it. Many of them had already gone through the Atkins Diet book and so understood the low carbs / ketosis philosophy.

Above all the men wanted something that was simple, based in fact, backed up by science and gave you quick results without to much ‘faffing’ about.

Maybe it’s no surprise whatsoever to know that the creator of the Cambridge Diet’s was a man looking for the exact same things.

What it takes to be a successful Cambridge Counsellor

Would you like a job with loads of satisfaction and where you meet lots of different people? Then why not speak to your Cambridge Counsellor about becoming one yourself!

Being a Cambridge Counsellor can be both a mentally and financially rewarding job. However it does involve hard work and dedication to help your customers reach their goals and overcome the hurdles along the way.

To become a Counsellor you must have used the Cambridge Diet Programmes successfully yourself – this will enable you to give advice to others using your knowledge and experience of the Diet steps.

There are certain essential ingredients which you need to become a Counsellor yourself. You must have good inter-personal skills with an interest in helping people and have a real enthusiasm for the Cambridge Diet products and programmes. You need to have spare time which you can dedicate to your Counselling and it is essential that you are keen to motivate and encourage people. If you have these attributes then Cambridge Counselling could be for you.

As you will know from your own experience of the Diet, it can be particularly difficult in that first week, so we strongly recommend that Counsellors contact their customer on day two or three, just to see how they are getting on and to offer some words of encouragement. All customers should be seen on a regular basis – preferably weekly, just to ensure that they are feeling OK and also to supply them with their next week’s worth if Diet products.

If you have the stated quality, do contact Lucius at 012-670 9385 for details and let’s help to fight obese together!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Training trip to Cambridge University

My first experience to travel long distance, I have been chosen as one of the 17 Cambridge Diet Consultants to attend an upgrading training at Downing College, Cambridge, on the 3rd of September to 9th of September.

It was a great experience in learning new knowledge, seeing different culture and places, meeting different people and experiencing different lifestyle.

I have posted many photos in facebook, add me as your friend there to view more photos. My id is .




Monday, August 24, 2009


A friend of mine sent me this email, enjoy reading it…


有三个人正在焦急的等公共汽车。 
我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。
是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。


从前有一个和尚跟一个屠夫是好朋友。和尚天天早上要起来念经,而屠夫天天要起来杀猪。 为了不耽误他们早上的工作,是他们约定早上互相叫对方起床。


不要时常埋怨,不要时常感到不满,不要时常有很多怨恨,不要时常问为什么挨骂的又是我呢??不要问上天 / 社会 /家庭 / 老板给于我们什么东西,问一问自己到底给于/付出于什么东西给于他们呢??不要尝试叫环境适应你而是我们要学会适应环境^^我们要学会改变的就是自己,一起迎合美好的一切!!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Roadshows & activities

Roadshow @ Menara TM, Bangsar
Date: 28 - 29 July 2009

Providing free health check to public.




Free Health talk at Securities Commission, Mont Kiara, 12 October 2009 (Monday) at 7pm to 10pm.

“Beyond Obesity Seminar” – Free admission (Pre-registration is required)


OBESITY is a common problem face by many people these days. It also brings many problems such tiredness, shortness of breath, lack of energy, low self esteem, depression, type-2 diabetes, sleep disorders, heart diseases, osteoarthritis, infertility as well as certain cancers.

Many people want to lose some extra weight but only few who knows the proper and the healthy way to do it. Are you one of them?

Join us as we discuss the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), you will learn how VLCD can treat obesity & the effectiveness of VLCD on certain diseases such as diabetes / osteoarthristis etc, the latest updates on researches and studies of VLCD as well as various studies.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Men’s health

Just to share with men out there, here is a combination of few products which could improve men’s health.

How? And what could be improved?

For those who are suffering from weak body, low sex desire, premature ejaculation, aging, etc, you could consider to use the method below to improve your health for better sex life.

Please contact Lucius at 012-670 9385 to put in your order or to find out more.

1) NeuTimes


NeuTimes is invented based on Protein Engineering Technique, contains of 17 major amino acids which are the safest and most effective way in using natural growth releasing factor to enhance pituitary gland secretion of natural HGH secretion. NeuTimes, a homeopathic product, emphasizes on homeostasis and concentrates on gently stimulating the pituitary gland to release and replenish HGH. More importantly it is a non-alcohol formulation. This leading edge homeopathic nutrition has been recognized by anti-aging medical research around the world.

NeuTimes uses the oral spray method, the effective sublingual (under tongue) absorption is a unique invention by the manufacturer’s medical research & development department. The focus is not the method of intake but the safety and efficacy of the NeuTimes formula.

14 Major Basic Rejuvenating Benefits:

Immune Rejuvenation

Normalize Sweat Production

Restores Energy and Increases Lean Body Mass

Aids heart conditions, restores heart function and prevents hardening of arteries

Restores respiratory function

Revitalizing functions, normalizing blood glucose level.

Directly stimulates and facilitates metabolism for bone formation.

Accelerates tissue healing

Revitalizes metabolism, reduces fat and increases muscle

Reduces wrinkles, restores hair growth, alleviates age spots

Restore sexual function

Improves cognition and memory and restores deep sleep

Aids vision

Revitalizes the system; rejuvenating every organ in the body.

2) DORS5


DORS 5 is a herbal essence extracted from some rare chinese medicinal herbs, using latest American technology.

DORS 5 helps in promoting the 5 major organs functions and enhances cell regeneration in these organs:

- wood (liver) = detoxification system
- fire (heart) = circulation system
- earth (spleen) = circulation & immune system
- metal (lungs) = respiratory system
- water (kidney) = excretion system


Restores vital energy, good for the spleen and lungs, thirst-quenching, tranquillizing and brain-building.

good for those with a weak disposition, after serious loss of blood, vomiting and weak pulse.

benefits the stomach and the spleen, improves lethargy, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.

strengthens the lungs, improves shortness of breath (tachypnea), weak body, asthma, weak pulse, sweating, etc.

restores vital energy, stimulates saliva, quenches thirst and stops sweating.

helps in tranquillizing and brain-building, improves insomnia and enhances memory.

Radix Salvia
- Improves blood circulation, prevents blood coagulation, helps in blood cooling and tranquillizing.
- regulates menstruation, amenorrhea and stomach ache after delivery, painful limbs, etc.
- helps in blood-cooling and resolves blood stasis.
- relieves anxiety, insomnia, palpitation, etc.

Panax Quinquefollum
- Restores vital energy, reduces heatiness and also stimulates saliva.
- suitable for weak and heaty body, relieves asthma, coughing and phlegm.
- restores vital energy and soothes heatiness in lungs.
- relieves tiredness and thirst-quenching.

- calming and tranquillizing, circulates blood and resolves blood stasis, promotes urination.


Pollen is rich with favourable amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Amino acids are the basic material in the formation of protein which makes up the muscular organs in human body. Amino acids are also used for cell repair.

Amino acids are the major substance controlling all chemical reactions in our body, including enzymatic actions, while minerals and vitamins act as lubricants for all organ operations.

Ganoderma (lingzhi)
- Ganoderma is used mainly to nourish and strenghten our body.
- enhances gastro-intestinal functions, increases the absorptive power toward nutrients.
- boasts tranquillizing effects, which is good for neurasthenia, dizziness and insomnia.

- Good for the kidneys and lungs, stops bleeding and dissolves phlegm.
- benefits the kidneys and improves male vital energy, relieves aching waist and knees.
- effective for lasting and wheezing coughs.
- regulates the body and helps restoring body after illnesses, sweating and chilly stomach.

- Enhances the immune system
- Revitalises internal organs
- promotes overall body functions to boost up the health level.
- Detoxifies body system
- eases the adverse effect of over-processed food and unfavourable environment on our body.
- Balances hormones
- Below are the active ingredients of DORS 5:

Active Ingredients

Concha Margaritifera Usta
5 %

5 %

Glossy Ganoderma
5 %

Panax Quinquefouum
10 %

10 %

Fructus Aurantic
15 %

Cordyceps Sinensij
20 %

Radix Salvias
20 %

Aucklandia lappa dine
15 %

15 %

3) Zinc


Zinc, an essential mineral, is a component of more than 300 enzymes that are needed to improve general state of health.

NeuTrition Chewable Zinc is a unique formula, which is suitable for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians, to supplement their diets with sufficient zinc.

Zinc deficiency has always been a primary concern of vegetarians, as the richest sources of zinc are mostly from animal products. Furthermore, a vegetarian diet is usually high in fibre; and over-consumption of fibre can reduce the zinc serum levels in the body, worsening the deficiency.

Due to the way foods are being processed nowadays, even our average diets do not provide adequate levels of zinc. Hence, it is just as important for everyone to take a daily supplement of zinc to prevent any deficiencies.

NeuTrition Chewable Zinc also contains bee propolis, vitamin A and C, which aids in enhancing the many benefits of zinc further.


Faster Recovery from Colds and Sore Throats
Most effective when consumed immediately after the onset of symptoms.

Maintains Male Fertility
In adolescence, adequate zinc level is important for puberty.

Maintains Healthy Prostate Function
With zinc’s involvement in hormonal metabolism in restricting the actions of the hormones.

Preserves Healthy Vision
Several zinc-dependent enzymes play an important role in eye function. Levels of these enzymes decline with age. Zinc deficiency may contribute to macular degeneration of the central part of retina and can lead to loss of eye function. Zinc, combined with vitamin A, also helps in improving night blindness condition.

Promotes Foetal Growth and Development
Zinc is essential for normal foetal growth and development,(birth weight, completion of full term pregnancy) and for milk production during lactation. Mothers with low zinc intakes may have babies who are more susceptible to infection.

Enhances Immune System
Zinc is necessary for regulation of healthy antibodies, white blood cells, thymus glands and hormone functions.

Protects against Free Radicals
Adequate amounts of this nutrient metal are also vital for the body to manufacture the antioxidant enzyme, Sodium Oxide Dismutase, a large molecule that serves as our main line of defense against free radical damage.

Helps in Formation of Insulin
Zinc supplementation helps in improving glucose assimilation.

Improving Anorexia Nervosa
By improving taste perception and sense of smell, appetite, it thus helps to improve.

Promotes mental alertness.

Maintains healthy liver function and excretion of vitamin A from the live.

Maintains the body’s acid-alkaline balance.

Each tablet contains:

Vitamin A
500 iu

Vitamin C

(Ascorbic Acid)
100 mg

Bee Propolis
50 mg

Zinc (Oxide)
15 mg

Monday, August 10, 2009

Are you going to finish strong

A friend of mine sent me this video and I would love to share it with everyone here.






































Monday, August 3, 2009

Our colons & fat














您知道嗎?積壓在人體腸內的宿便重達3~ 5公斤 ,潛藏在腸道內的宿便一旦發酵或起化學變化,它所產生的毒素將侵入人體各部組織及器官,尤其是降低肝臟代謝、滅菌、解毒、淨血功能。


●建議食用富含水溶性纖維食品「黑木耳」 防便秘 、宿便


Alternative solution:-

1)  Colon PUR

According to medical researches, 90% of diseases found in a human body are originated from the intestinal system. Because of this, a healthy colon is an important prerequisite for a healthy body. Despite the importance of a healthy colon, constipation is a common problem nowadays. Constipation will lead to accumulation of toxins in the intestinal tract. These toxins will be reabsorbed back into the body, and cause dull skin, acne, poor appetite and other diseases in individuals.
ColonPur is manufactured using the combination of body-nurturing formula and the latest technology. It contains high quality green tea and herbs which are approved by the Ministry of Health for consumption as food. Among these active ingredients are Cocos poria, Ademphora, Common Yam rhizome, and Cassia seed.

Main functions


Regulate various type of constipation problems (normally promote bowel movement 24 hours after consumption)

• Stubborn type
• Habitual type

• Age-dependent type
• Children type

• Pregnancy-related type
(be cautious of the dosage)
• without breast - feeding
(be cautious of the dosage)

• Medicine-dependent type
• Physiologically imbalance type

Refreshing Enhance gastrointestinal functions, improve appetite, regulate circulatory system, and protect stomach
wall lining.

Promote bowel movement, get rid of constipation problems.

Excrete toxins and disease causing substances that piled up on the inner wall of the intestinal tract. This is important
to prevent diseases.

Help to keep a healthy and clean colon, improve bad breath, dull skin and acne problems.


Please contact Lucius at 012-6709385 should you have any inquiries or to place an order, courier service could be arranged for outstation buyer.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


A story to share with everyone out there…

One day, when I was a freshman in high school,

I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.

His name was Kyle.

It looked like he was carrying all of his books.

I thought to myself, 'Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?

He must really be a nerd.'

I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.

They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt.

His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him...

He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes

My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye.

As I handed him his glasses, I said, 'Those guys are jerks.'

They really should get lives.

' He looked at me and said, 'Hey thanks!'

There was a big smile on his face.

It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.

I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.

As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before..

He said he had gone to private school before now.

I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.

We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books.

He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.

I asked him if he wanted to play a little football
with my friends

He said yes.

We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.

I stopped him and said, 'Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!

' He just laughed and handed me half the books.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends..

When we were seniors we began to think about college.

Kyle decided on Georgetown and I was going to Duke.

I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never

be a problem.

He was going to be a doctor and I was going for business on a football scholarship..

Kyle was valedictorian of our class.

I teased him all the time about being a nerd.

He had to prepare a speech for graduation.

I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak

Graduation day, I saw Kyle.

He looked great.

He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.

He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.

He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.

Boy, sometimes I was jealous!

Today was one of those days.

I could see that he was nervous about his speech.

So, I smacked him on the back and said, 'Hey, big guy, you'll be great!'

He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.

' Thanks,' he said.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began

'Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years.

Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends....

I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them.

I am going to tell you a story.'

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the
first day we met.

He had planned to kill himself over the weekend.

He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.

He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.

'Thankfully, I was saved.

My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable..'

I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment.

I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.

Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions..

With one small gesture you can change a person's life.

For better or for worse.

God puts us all in each others lives to impact one another in some way.

Look for God in others.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leaflet for 38 voucher


TERAC 38 voucher

1) What would you get by paying RM38?

- DIY facial workshop (Learn a proper way to do a quick DIY facial, refresh the skin and see result in just 5 minutes)

- Skin analysis (know your skin type & problem better and solve it with the right solution)

- Free personal skin consultation (learn proper way to do day care and night care; spot treatment; throw the unwanted in just 5 minutes)

- Free full facial by appointment (enjoy a full facial with pressure points massage worth RM150)

- Free products (travel set worth RM150, use it for a week and observe an improvement after a week)

- Product voucher

2) What could this treatment do to your face?

- Whitening & firming

- Oily skin problem, acne, black and white heads, clogged pores

- Anti-oxidant

- Moisturising

- Balance complexion

- Lighten wrinkles, fine lines, scars

- Open pores

- UV protection (UV A, UV B, UV C)

3) About product


EDTA-2Na Double Nano Technology


Mixed Fruit Enzymes

Grapefruit Extract

Grapeseed Oil


formulated from:

Ohio State University, US

Lausanne University, Switzerland

Munich University, German

Contact me at 012-670 9385 (Lucius) should you have any inquiries or pre-booking for a session.

Group workshop is held at Taman Desa every Friday at 7pm to 9pm, advance booking is needed. Outcall could be arranged too upon request.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Cambridge Diet Training, UK Trip

I have just got to know I have been selected to be one of the 15 to go to Cambridge University on the beginning of September of this year. We are going for a training on THE CAMBRIDGE DIET, in helping people to lose weight, better health and solve some health problems like gastric, headache, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problem, etc.

This would be a very good life experience as it is not easy to have a chance to be in the Cambridge University even though we have the money and I am looking forward to the visit.

After the training I believe I can do even much better in my consultation to those who are suffering from health problem, my objective is to help as many people as I could in either losing weight, to improve health problem, etc. The satisfaction out of this is what keeps me going and upgrade myself further and further.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cheapest in town!!

Knowing that economy is not good now, everyone is spending carefully.

Have you ever thought of do own facial from home? It is a way to save some money too…

Here to introduce you a special offer to guys and girls out there.

ONLY RM38 for:

1) Skin analysis

2) Product try on half a face then another half (complete facial treatment)

3) FREE a full facial treatment

4) FREE home care facial products worth RM150

5) Consultation

All mentioned only costs you RM38, no hidden charges or force sales.

It is held at our beauty centre in Taman Desa, on the 8th of May 2009 at 7pm. Advance booking is needed, closing date for booking is by the 7th of May 2009. Contact me at 012-670 9385 (Lucius) to place a booking and to arrange for the payment.

What to expect?

- Know your skin type and skin problems.

- Show you the different after treatment on half a face and show you what can each product do to your face.

- Full facial for even better skin and to enjoy our new technique in skin treatment.

- Free products for home care to ensure an optimum result.

- Consultation in home care usage, different skin is expecting different dose and way of home care.

What skin type?

All skin types are suitable, included skin problems like wrinkles, pigmentation, sensitive skin, pimples, black heads and white heads, fine lines, etc.

Don’t hesitate to call should you have any inquiries.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something for you & me
































Sunday, April 5, 2009


Dengue cases are getting more and more in our country, some even said it is a trend to get it… ;(

Last Sunday, my housemate, Peter, was not feeling well. Fever, then body ache, headache, etc. I noticed the symptoms of dengue were shown, and I brought him to clinic on the forth day. Doctor gave him a jab, put him on drip, took some blood for blood test, some medication, it cost RM300. Hmmm…

The next day we went back to the clinic to collect the blood test report, and it showed sign of dengue. Doctor advised to send him to hospital to get further treatment.

When reached home I called Vincent as I remembered some of them have treated cases of dengue with our own products. After talked to him on phone, I discuss with Pete and we agreed to treat it with a natural way since we knew that even go to hospital they won’t do much besides daily blood test.

I followed the treatment as suggested and he recovered in 2 days time, but still tired and weak. He just needs more rest and intake of more healthy food.

The treatment is as bellow,

Breakfast, lunch and dinner:-

1/3 sachet of The Cambridge Diet

2 capsules of Phoscol 565

1 tablet of Vitamin C 500mg

In between will make Glucolin to drink as water, to supply enough sugar to his body so he won’t feel weak, 100 plus (without gas) to supply mineral, soya drink with salt (no sugar) and make soup for him too.

Recipe to make the soup,

2-3 spring chickens

3 small bitter gourd

3 honey dates

3 bowls of water boil till 1 1/2 bowls water.

This treatment is only applicable to those who has no fever, if high fever must send to hospital.

Convention Night


Wow, it has been so long since the last posting… Finally I got chance to update my blog now… :)

As usual, our company convention night is on the 28th of March every year. It was a week ago from now… It was held in Pan Pacific Hotel, KLIA. We always treat this as a big day to each of us as everyone is collecting our result for the year on this day… :)

The costume is always traditional chinese costume and everyone put on very nice costume that night and the atmosphere was very happy and exciting…





MC of the night,


Some pictures from the rehearsal and shooting…







It was a nice experience, this is the second year I participated in the shooting and it is a real good experience. :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Joke from friend…


吃完了水果大餐,我们到太平山旁边的喜玛拉雅山去玩,听老师说喜玛拉雅山是世界上最高的山。 果然老师没有骗我们,我跟表弟爬呀爬,大概爬了2分钟才到山顶,我热死了。
     後来我们还是觉得很热,就到山顶泡温泉。好冰凉的温泉哦~喜玛拉雅山真是个好地方。 後来表弟问我有没有钱,他看到山顶附近有卖麦当劳。死表弟,每次都跟我借钱!






你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好 吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗 你好吗

为师十分高兴 但全篇共用约二百句「你好吗」



要注意错别字 是「吃了一惊」 不是「吃了一斤」
这沱大便总共有二十来斤 哪个人有这本事?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shameful Leader

Enough is enough… Lots of unfair incidents happened in Malaysia politic since 308 of last year. What’s now? We have to be mentally be prepared in welcoming our new PM soon from now. I would be very happy if a just and kind leader is leading our country but not a “suspected murderer”. I really feel bad to be a Malaysian if we have this kind of leader…

Read more,

Chinese blogs:-

English blog:- (MUST READ)

Saturday, March 7, 2009


It has been a while since the last blog, past few weeks got lots of thing to do. Went for upgrade facial courses, road show at THE WELD shopping center, training for a few new beauty therapists, facial service for customers, weight management counseling for customers, etc.

Back home late and tired, so sleep earlier too. Somemore these few days not feeling very well, so prefer to rest and I appreciate the free time I am having now.

Rainy season again, bring along umbrella and take enough Vitamin C to build a strong immune system. High work load, life pressure and less rest time would bring down our immune which exposing us a better chance in get sick. Practise healthy lifestyle by having balance diet, meditation in releasing tension, etc.

Cloudy out there, feeling lazy and slow. Mmm...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


媳婦說:「煮淡一點妳就嫌沒有味道,現在煮鹹一點妳卻說咽不下,妳究竟怎麼樣?」母親一見兒子回來,二話不說便把飯菜往咀裡送。她怒瞪他一眼。他試了一口,馬上吐出來,兒子說:「我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹!」「那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮!」媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。兒子無奈地輕嘆一聲,然後對母親說:「媽,別吃了,我去煮個麵給妳。」「仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡!「媽,公司下個月升我職,我會很忙,至於老婆,她說很想出來工作,所以 ....」母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「仔,不要送媽去老人院。」聲音似乎在哀求。兒子沉默片刻,他是在尋找更好的理由。 「媽,其實老人院並沒有甚麼不好,妳知道老婆一但工作,一定沒有時間好好服侍妳。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顧,不是比在家裡好得多嗎?」「可是,阿財叔他....」 洗了澡,草草吃了一碗速食麵,兒子便到書房去。他茫然地佇立於窗前,有些猶豫不決。母親年輕便守寡,含辛茹苦將他撫養成人,供他出國讀書。但她從不用年輕時的犧牲當作要脅他孝順的籌碼,反而是妻子以婚姻要脅他!真的要讓母親住老人院嗎?仔問自己,他有些不忍。「可以陪你下半世的人是你老婆,難道是你媽嗎?」阿財叔的兒子總是這樣提醒他「你媽都這麼老了,好命的話可以活多幾年,為何不趁這幾年好好孝順她呢?樹欲靜而風不息,子欲養而親不在啊!」親戚總是這樣勸他。兒子不敢再想下去,深怕自己真的會改變初衷。夕晚,太陽收斂起灼熱的金光,躲在山後憩息。一間建在郊外山崗的一座貴族老人院。是的,錢用得越多,兒子才心安理得。當兒子領著母親步入大廳時,嶄新的電視機,42吋的螢幕正播放著一部喜劇,但觀眾一點笑聲也沒有。 幾個衣著一樣,髮型一樣的老嫗歪歪斜斜地坐在發沙上,神情呆滯而有一個老人在自言自語,有個正緩緩彎下腰,想去撿掉在地上的一塊餅乾吃。 兒子知道母親喜歡光亮,所以為她選了一間陽光充足的房間。從窗口望出去,樹蔭下,一片芳草如茵。幾名護士推著坐在輪椅的老者在夕陽下散步,四周悄然寂靜得令人心酸。縱是夕陽無限好,畢竟已到了黃昏,他心中低低嘆息。 「媽,我........我要走了!」母親只能點頭。他走時,母親頻頻揮手,她張著沒有牙的嘴,蒼白乾燥的咀唇在囁嚅著,一副欲語還休的樣子。兒子這才注意到母親銀灰色的頭髮,深陷的眼窩以及打著細紋臉。母親,真的老了!他霍然記起一則兒時舊事。那年他才6歲,母親有事回鄉,不便攜他同行,於是把他寄住在阿財叔家幾天。母親臨走時,他驚恐地抱著母親的腿傷心大聲號哭道:「媽媽不要丟下我!媽媽不要走!」最後母親沒有丟下他。他連忙離開房間,順手把門關上,不敢回頭,深恐那記憶像鬼魅似地追纏而來。他回到家,妻子與岳母正瘋狂的把母親房裡的一切扔個不亦樂乎。身高3呎的獎杯──那是他小學作文比賽「我的母親」第1名的勝利品!華英字典──那是母親整個月省吃省用所買給他的第一份生日禮物!還有母親臨睡前要擦的風濕油,沒有為她擦,帶去老人院又有甚麼意義呢?「夠了,別再扔了!」兒子怒吼道。﹝這麼多垃圾,不把它扔掉,怎麼放得下我的東西﹞。岳母沒好氣地說。「就是嘛!你趕快把你媽那張爛床給抬出去,我明天要為我媽添張新的!」一堆童年的照片展現在兒子眼前,那是母親帶他到動物園和遊樂園拍的照片。「它們是我媽的財產,一樣也不能丟!」 「你這算甚態度?對我媽這麼大聲,我要你向我媽道歉!」 「我娶妳就要愛妳的母親,為甚麼妳嫁給我就不能愛我的母親?」雨後的黑夜分外冷寂,街道蕭瑟,行人車輛格外稀少。一輛寶馬在路上飛馳,頻頻闖紅燈,陷黃格,呼一聲又飛馳而過。那輛轎車一路奔往山崗上的那間老人院,停車直奔上樓,推開母親臥房的門。他幽靈似地站著,母親正撫摸著風濕痛的雙腿低泣。她見到兒子手中正拿著那瓶風濕油,顯然感到安慰的說:「媽忘了帶,幸好你拿來!」他走到母親身邊,跪了下來。 「很晚了,媽自己擦可以了,你明天還要上班,回去吧!」 他囁嚅片刻,終於忍不住啜泣道:「媽,對不起,請原諒我!我們回家去吧 !」 ~~後語~~ 隨著自己愈長大,看著父母親臉龐從年輕變憔悴,頭髮從烏絲變白髮,動作從迅捷變緩慢,多心疼! 父母親總是將最好、最寶貴的留給我們,像蠟燭不停的燃燒自己,照亮孩子!而我呢?有沒有騰出一個空間給我的父母,或者只是在當我需要停泊岸時,才會想起他們……其實父母親要的真的不多,只是一句隨意的問候:爸、媽,你們今天好嗎?」隨意買的宵夜,煮一頓再普通不過的晚餐,睡前幫他們蓋蓋被子,天冷幫他們添衣服、戴手套……都能讓他們高興溫馨很久。 有時,我常在想:我希望我的子女以後如何對我。那現在,我有沒有如此對待我的父母?我相信,人是環環相扣的;現在,你如何對待你的父母;以後,你的子女就如何待你。朋友,人世間最難報的就是父母恩,願我們都能:以反哺之心奉敬父母,以恩之心孝順父母!~共勉之~生命不要求我們成為最好的,只要求我們作最大的努力!老人安養院牆上發現的一篇文章孩子!當你還很小的時候,我花了很多時間,教你慢慢用湯匙、用筷子吃東西。教你繫鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。 這些和你在一起的點點滴滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想……極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。孩子!你忘記我們練習了好幾百回,才學會的第一首娃娃歌嗎?是否還記得每天總要我絞盡腦汁,去回答不知道你從哪裡冒出來的嗎?所以,當我重覆又重覆說著老掉牙的故事,哼著我孩提時代的兒歌時,體諒我。讓我繼續沉醉在這些回憶中吧!切望你,也能陪著我閒話家常吧!孩子,現在我常忘了扣扣子、繫鞋帶。吃飯時,會弄髒衣服,梳頭髮時手還會不停的抖,不要催促我,要對我多一點耐心和溫柔,只要有你在一起,就會有很多的溫暖湧上心頭。孩子!如今,我的腳站也站不穩,走也走不動。所以,請你緊緊的握著我的手,陪著我,慢慢的。就像當年一樣,我帶著你一步一步地走。若為人子女也不懂得如何體諒他們,那他們便只能於痛苦中渡過餘生,黑暗中逝去....請把此文章轉發給您的朋友,讓他們知道家人才是最重要的。愛情可以重新再找尋,但父母一生卻只有一個,要珍惜、珍重。

Good shaver does a good job

A friend of me sent these pictures to me, look really funny... heee...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

YB Eli

To ADUN of Bukit Lanjang, YB Eli. Don't give up and we will be at your side, we noticed what you have done and we appreciate your hard work. Thank you.
This is what happened last night at Kepong, lots of reporters were there and even NTV7 there too.

Istana Kehakiman

Yesterday morning went to "Istana Kehakiman" at Putra Jaya for the hearing of Raja Petra case, be there to show my bit of support to him on what he has done to this piece of land.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jit's Wedding

Friday afternoon, drove down to Ipoh with Pete and Irene to attend Jit's wedding. My first experience in attending a Punjabi wedding, a very special experience indeed. We got to see the traditional costumes, the culture, and it was the first time I met so many Punjabis at once. Haa...

Lots of singing and dancing, traditional instruments were used. Simple yet interesting, congratulations my friend and good luck to you.

Le Tour De Langkawi 2009

On the 13th of Feb (Friday), Pete and I went to THE CURVE early morning to meet the bicycle teams from various countries. This is a very good mean to promote our country by using sports tourism.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"ONLY" in Malaysia

Someone forwarded me this very "interesting" email and wish to share with everyone.