Monday, December 29, 2008

Facial courses

These few days were busying in attending facial treatment classes, busy but satisfying.

Company has brought in 3 new ranges of skin treatment products, RAC White Range, DNA treatment and NeuCell Treatment.

All are middle to high end treatments and products, quite enjoy the DIY facial and happy with the result after every treatment.

I will take some time to observe the improvement on own face and will research one by one to find out more features on each range. Then later would share more with everyone… :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Second Visit


My long waited second visit to Wesley church on this Christmas eve has finally come true, about 5 to 6 years since the last visit.

The expectation was too high before the visit and it never turned out to be as good as the first visit, in terms of atmosphere and Christmas deco.

I was having sore throat so could just listened to the Christmas songs, it was a peaceful and relaxing evening.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Peaceful And Soothing

Christmas is just around the corner, I have planned to go to Wesley church near China town on the Christmas eve with Pete. We’ve been there once about 6 years ago and it was my first time to be in a church in joining so many christians in a Christmas prayer.

The internal architecture of it is simple yet comforting, there were flowers and candles in making the place more beautiful. I just can’t forget the atmosphere in it that night, Christmas songs one after another. It was a real calm night with sweet memories…

So, I plan to go there again this year and it is also a reward for myself of putting in so much effort in picking up lots of skill and knowledge in this year.

Here are some pictures taken from Sunway Pyramid’s Christmas deco.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Another Candle Light Vigil

Today’s gathering was very meaningful, Raja Petra was there too and he gave a very nice speech.

Christmas songs were sung and the atmosphere was so warm and touchy, when can we achieve at truly Malaysian society instead of a Malay, Chinese, Indian society?

One of the activist passed away last week of his 28 years in this world, I saw him few times and never put much attention to his existent before this. A young Malay boy with plum body shape, my profession is telling me that he was having high internal body fat which causing his sudden heart attack.

I would love to advice our Malay friends out there to cut down the intake of food made from coconut milk as it is really fattening; try to have dinner earlier and less sweet drinks.

Do regular exercise and go for check-up regularly too.

I would love to take this opportunity to offer a free health check to public, the checking is simple and you are expecting to know the fat level in your body. Too much fat sticking on the wall of blood vessel and surrounding internal organs is not good for health, so my target is to help more people in reducing your body fat before too late. My contact is in my profile so please feel free to give me a call for a free body fat check.

Finally, truly Malaysian, a healthy nation!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sleep with light on or off?


I have received an email from friend in commenting on whether to sleep with light on or off is better. Make a wild guess before you proceed… :)


So is good to sleep in dark yeah… :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Road show for the year of 2008

Safety & health carnival 2008

Organiser: Malaysia Airlines

Date: 17 & 18 Dec 2008

Venue: Administration Building, KLIA

It was a road show in providing free body fat check for Malaysia Airlines staff, mostly Malay friends and majority are overweight or having high internal organ fat. From the observation and survey knowing that their problem is caused by their diet, eating habit and lack of exercise.

The two days exhibition there was quite happy and enjoyable. On the first day, the consultation was non-stop, people were queueing up for the checking and consultation. We were consulting and consulting till sore throat, and the place was very cold.

The security of that place was very tight, I was glad to have the chance to be in it and it is a good experience. :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cheaper Petrol

Recently, price for petrol keep dropping; but I have never noticed prices for other things are dropping relatively.

I can just feel that things are getting more and more expensive and comparing to other countries, our cost of living is indeed at the high side.

Economy turmoil is attacking the world, very soon we would be affected and things are not happened the way we wish. Thus, is time to look for alternatives in earning extra money for tomorrow.

Hopefully prices could be adjusted to a reasonable stage soon...

Monday, December 15, 2008

The burning spirit

Yesterday was my forth time in attending the candle light vigil, it was a rainy evening. Pete and I were 20 minutes early there, not many people at that time as it is still early and drizzling.

As the gathering started sharp at 8pm, the crowd is turning bigger and bigger; more and more new comers every week.

All of us have only one objective to achive in gathering there every Sunday, we are hoping that the ISA could be removed and the detainees could be released. We all know that it is a long process and it might need a long time to yield the result we wanted, but keep it up for a better Malaysia and for the good of the next generations...

Let's contribute the least you could do, don't let the fear in you to stop you from fighting for a better tomorrow...

Civil Centre (PJ)

Every Sunday at 8pm

See you guys there. :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I woke up early in the morning and went for breakfast with Pete, we planned to go for my very first gotong-royong and trees planting at a park after the "Roti telur". About 30 of us in the activity, some were planting trees while some were carrying out the gotong-royong.

The park is well maintained so it has not much rubbish found, but unfortunately the whole park is very wet from the rain. It does not have proper drainage system thus the water is accumulated everywhere.

From the rubbish we have collected, we found a huge tuttle shell, all kind of plastic bags, condom, cans, bottles, etc.

I suppose this is a good exercise to us, I do not have the habit of doing regular exercise even we have such a nice park nearby my home. Hopefully slowly I could do more in keeping myself healthier lah... :)

Here are some pictures taken by mobile phone, the quality of the pictures would not as good then.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Maxis broadband service

I have been using Maxis wired broadband for more than two years since it has just launched. Was my support to them should be valued?

Initially the system was not stable, almost every month I encountered network failure. Everytime I called the customer service, the so call "trained" staff would ask me to "switch off and on the PC", "switch off and on the modem", as though we didn't know to do that before making the complaint. After you have turned off the PC, she would ask you to wait for 10 minutes then only switch the PC on again; same thing to modem. That's all she knows to advise, then when everything done and yet it still not working, she would say "OK, I will send my technician to attend to you." Naturally we would ask when and roughly what time will the technician come as we don't always sit at home to wait for the technician, and the reply would normally be "I am also not sure."

Imagine how would you react when hear that?

I have transfered my phone line within the same apartment, from unit A to unit B. My phone number is registered under Maxis fixed line. Logically when the phone line is transfered, the address for billing should be changed too for both phone bill and internet bill. But I am receiving my phone bill every month but not the internet bill, is this how Maxis staff "communicate" and "link"?

If I would to continue I am not sure how long should I write, I think a big company like this should do something to build a good reputation in matching their big name, or else you are losing support not just from "me" but lots and lots customers soon.

Anyway I have terminated my Maxis broadband and soon the land line and mobile phone line and all are Maxis services. Poor customer service and rude manager would cause this big company to lose more customers...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rainy season...

Rain, rain, rain and rain...

These few days keep raining, nice weather but if too much it could be quite worrying too. The land slide at Bukit Antarabangsa, flooding everywhere...

I used to like rainy day a lot when I was young, where I didn't get to hear much about land slide, and I didn't have to go out to work. I were just enjoying life in my huge shop house in my hometown in Sungai Siput.

Now, rainy day could yield natural disaster, traffic jam, difficulty in moving around, the dampness makes us feel lazy. Haa... But, I think I still enjoying rainy evening when relaxing at home.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008



1. 面頰出現斜紋,查查有無高血壓。  
2. 額頭出現短的橫紋,是神經衰弱、抑郁、焦躁的反映。  
3. 眉間紋是鼻竇不太好的症兆。  
4. 眼角魚尾紋密,是听力下降、偏頭痛的表現。  
5. 上眼皮皺紋密,是心臟不好的症兆。  
6. 鼻梁出現皺紋,膀胱和腎有病。  
7. 有嘴角紋、下巴有深紋,得查查腸胃。  
8. 頸紋深,查查頸椎和新陳代謝系統。

Besides keep going for skin treatment, try to put in some attentions on what message is our skin trying to tell us.

Wrinkles, pigmentations and pimples are the signals from body in telling us something is not so right in us.

Go for skin treatment and take the right supplement will get better skin instead.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Health care class

Woke up earlier than usual, and went for a health care class and expected to do some practicals in the class.... Everyone of us brought towels, shorts, some "gua sa" tools, etc.

Definition on "gua sa" from the net:

This is an Eastern theraphy practiced by various communities including the Indonesians, Malays and Chinese.

A proper treatment helps alleviate body heat and wind from the body. It also encourages the removal of toxin from our body via the skin surface and urination. The complete treatment would help relieve headaches, muscular pains and general body discomfort without drugs! It is best when applied as a conclusion to a massage session, as it encourages blood flow through our system.

This is done by using a horn made board to scrap on the back till the red spots appear. It is not as painful as you thought of, and after the treatment you would have a good night sleep.

We have learnt a lot of how to do "gua sa" for ourselves, or even to your family members. Besides "gua sa", we did learn some skills on how to solve small health problem just like fever, headache, etc.

A good experience as I believe natural healing is still better than taking medication unless it is virus attacks.

Here are pictures on the end result after the treatment...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Pricing is out...

To non-Malaysian "Neslo" is Nescafe + Milo.

This afternoon I went for lunch at a coffee shop and ordered Neslo and fried noodle, the noodle cost RM4.50 and the Neslo cost RM2.40.

Firstly, Price for petrol keeps dropping yet nothing else are dropping in price.

Secondly, why is a cup of Neslo more expensive than a litter of petrol?

Is that mean is time for us to bring our own tumblers out for meals?

Friday, December 5, 2008

New hair cut

I have just got my hair cut this morning and took some pictures to send to Vivian to be published on next month "montly promotion" booklet.

Let's choose the picture you like the most and send the CODE to me through "comment". The number is as 1,2,3, etc from top to bottom. Pick the one you like the most to the one you like the least.

e.g: 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 --- Meaning that you like the third picture the most and the first picture the least.

Waiting for your comment. :)

My hamsters

3 little hamsters...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Case Study on Pete's face

I applied the new white range on Pete's face on the 29th of November for the first time and took some pictures on the 3rd of December to see what can the product do on ageing skin in 5 days.

Forehead (before):

Forehead (after):

Comparing the picture of forehead taken "before" and "after", the wringkles is not that deep and less obvious already, the complexion is fairer too; the open pores are smaller.

Right eye (before):

Right eye (after):

For right eye, the fine lines under the eye have dissapeared, and the oil seed under eye is smaller too. The skin is smoother and glowing after 5 days of home DIY treatment.

Feedbacks from some skin therapists (2)

Feedback from Shirley Tsu:

我的右脸用了RAC White Range 一个星期后明显看到用了White Range 的脸比较美白,光滑,脸看到比较瘦了。眼袋和细纹都浅了很多。
最明显的是鼻翼傍的脸颊有很深很顽固的黑头(已经好几个月了), 之前所用的peeling product 如: rosy,pigmentation 和RAC 4 都不能用超过4天,超过就会红,表皮出现干和敏感了。
敏感时又要停止所有的peeling,只能做保护和保养。所以没有办法去除这些顽固的黑头。 是用RAC White Range时也很小心的用, 担心敏感,所以全脸涂#3 和#5; #2 和#4 只涂在有黑头暗疮的地方。 一星期后右脸很美,白,滑,眼袋和细纹浅化,脸比较瘦,摸下去的感觉很好,很滑,还有皮肤没那么敏感了;但没用#2 和#4的左脸摸下去较粗,眼袋细纹较明显,还有"长豆豆"了 。所以现在要赶快balance 回我的左脸。

Feedback from Siah Tiong Kiat:

第一天用 Peeling SERUM+ Skin Whitening SERUM 放在額头 > 鼻子 > 下巴 + 噴水大概在15分鐘过后就有"平滑"的感覺!!!!

用 Skin Moisture Cream + Skin Clear Repair Cream +Skin Sun Protector 放在整半边左瞼 + 喷水大概在半个小時过后左半边脸就亮了起来, 皮肤又很滋润.....


第四天用Skin Peeling Serum (少汻) 在半边脸 + Skin Moisture Cream + Skin Whitening Serum (少汻) 在半边脸 +Skin Clear Repair cream + Skin Sun Protector 在半边 脸, 又有不仝的效果, 尤其眼晴的"結实"很好. 皮肤"色素均衡" 很不錯....!!!

第五天与第六天还是用回同样的步马骤!!! 还是保持同样的效果!!!

有一个最大"癸現" 我的眼晴的旁边有一粒跟着我有超过20年"硬化的黑头" 从第二天我只是用 Skin Peeling Serum + Skin Whitening Serum "点"在黑头的"部位, 只是用了6
天, 就已经"小" 最少有70%的效果!!! 真是太好了!!!

Feedbacks from some skin therapists (1)

Feedback from myself (Lucius):

I have been using RAC white range since 22nd of November till today for about 2 weeks already. I noticed that it helps to clear clogged pores quickly, leaving the skin feels smooth, fair, silky.

Some black heads were pushed out itself after the first application, observation for the first day was, fairer, firmer, juicier, shinier.

The next morning, after I rinsed with water and pat dry, it felt really clean and smooth, for oily skin with clogged pores, I got more oily the whole face. This could be caused by the products have cleared some clogged pores and this allowed the oil secrete easier to the surface. The oily level is just slightly more than before but not serious.

Dead skin is growing quickly on my forehead and causing it to look dull, the "peeling serum" is able to clear it very quickly and leave shine and fairer skin on it.

"Moisture Cream" applied on eyes and noticed that the eyes were not so puffy and firmer instead.

A few clogged pores turned into small pimples on the area next to nose; below eyes. A way to clear clogged pores, good sign yeah. :)

The third and forth day, I combined RAC1,2,4 into it and I was happy to see the face became so slim and sharp, or I shoud say very lifted and firmed.

Overall, I quite like this new range and it shows satisfying result in such a short time. Skin looks clear, juicy, shinny, fairer, lifted & firmed. The most amazed part is the ability to clear dull skin.

Feedback from Chu Sat Yun:

- 我的皮肤向来在鼻子到下巴部位会比较暗哑和较偏黄,在用#2时就多搽些在这部位,大约3到4天很明显看到皮肤一天比一天更干净美白的效果非常棒。连续用了4天这部位的暗哑和效偏黄问题解决了。

- 试用在顾客的皮肤,洁脸后搽上#2在1-2分钟,顾客都马上看到左右脸的美白明显的分别。

- 用了#2后再搽上#3尤其是在黑斑、色素、偏黄、暗哑的部位越喷水皮肤会看到越白皙越干净,黑眼圈也开始看到明显浅化掉。皮肤会开始感觉到有紧致的感觉。

- 当#4搽在毛孔粗糙的部位多喷水过后会看到毛孔变细变小掉,每个毛孔的地方都能看到很干净的现象。

- #2 & #4 + RAC 4试用在一位顾客额头上的暗疮、阻塞,连续用2天停2天再用1天,今天看到她的皮肤很明显暗疮开始消干了不会那么红肿了,印也浅化了。看回她之前和之后相片的比较更明显看到皮肤的改善。

- 最后搽上#5号皮肤更明显感觉到有紧致的现象。皮肤看起来很嫩很有水份。皱纹、细纹部位越来越幼细。

- 试用在半边皮肤,顾客在有左右脸比较下会看到有用的那边整个脸看起来很有活力感觉很精神。黑眼圈和眼袋两边会很明显的分别。

This is a picture taken by Sat Yun of her customer before using the product on the 24th of November.

The picture below was taken 5 days later on the 28th of November. Meaning that this customer has gone through a very simple home DIY treatment for 5 days. And obviously the pimples are smaller, less redish, overall skin is fairer and more stable. And yes, it is just five days!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

RAC White Range

A group of our skin therapists have tried the new range of skin treatment product since last Sunday and myself have received two sample sets. I am using it everyday since last Sunday and used on Pete's face three days ago. I have taken pictures before using the product on his face and hopefully tomorrow have time to do another treatment for him before take another set of picture. Then will share with everyone on what are the improvement since then.

I have received a picture of this new white range today and the packaging is looking very cool. :)

Candle light vigil -- Anti ISA

I attended my third candle light vigil at Civic Center in PJ last night at 8pm. I am not a very "politic" guy but I started to have the conciousness on what is happening in our country since the last election. I think I am slow in this, but it is never be too late.

Pete brought me to the candle light vigil for the first time when he just came back from Macau three weeks ago.

I first heard of ISA was since the HINDRAF thing, then Raja Petra, then our ADUN Teresa Kok, etc. I disagree on the act of simply send some innocent citizens to jail without going through a proper court session. I wanted this to be removed as it is not civilized enough to be practised in this new era. So for those who want to contribute your bit in helping Malaysia to grow in a civilize way please come and join us at Civic Center in PJ on every Sunday at 8pm.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Aquariums

I reared fishes since young.

When I was young, I shared a 2-feet aquarium with my younger brother. We started by experimenting and zero knowledge on what oxygen is.

From there slowly we learned, "kampung boy" like us have got no source in getting more information through reading or internet. We just learned from friends who were more experienced and yes we did learn a lot.

Now, rearing fish is not thrill enough to me, I am attracted by the green plants in a tank and since then I started to read a lot on planted tank. From there I have my planted tanks and I love sitting in front of the tank when I am resting. It is so soothing and relaxing when seeing fishes swimming freely and the green will free the stress.

Christmas Tree

Pete bought this christmas tree last year with only RM7, haa...
Finally it is up again after a year in store room, and obviously we are not the best designer on this.
Since I am free, so just took some pictures to share with everyone and obviously I am not a professional photographer. :)

Story to share with everyone













給每一個在為夢想努力奮鬥的你,提醒我們在努力追求夢想的同時, 千萬不要忘了最初的本心。