I have been using RAC white range since 22nd of November till today for about 2 weeks already. I noticed that it helps to clear clogged pores quickly, leaving the skin feels smooth, fair, silky.
Some black heads were pushed out itself after the first application, observation for the first day was, fairer, firmer, juicier, shinier.
The next morning, after I rinsed with water and pat dry, it felt really clean and smooth, for oily skin with clogged pores, I got more oily the whole face. This could be caused by the products have cleared some clogged pores and this allowed the oil secrete easier to the surface. The oily level is just slightly more than before but not serious.
Dead skin is growing quickly on my forehead and causing it to look dull, the "peeling serum" is able to clear it very quickly and leave shine and fairer skin on it.
"Moisture Cream" applied on eyes and noticed that the eyes were not so puffy and firmer instead.
A few clogged pores turned into small pimples on the area next to nose; below eyes. A way to clear clogged pores, good sign yeah. :)
The third and forth day, I combined RAC1,2,4 into it and I was happy to see the face became so slim and sharp, or I shoud say very lifted and firmed.
Overall, I quite like this new range and it shows satisfying result in such a short time. Skin looks clear, juicy, shinny, fairer, lifted & firmed. The most amazed part is the ability to clear dull skin.
Feedback from Chu Sat Yun:
- 我的皮肤向来在鼻子到下巴部位会比较暗哑和较偏黄,在用#2时就多搽些在这部位,大约3到4天很明显看到皮肤一天比一天更干净美白的效果非常棒。连续用了4天这部位的暗哑和效偏黄问题解决了。
- 试用在顾客的皮肤,洁脸后搽上#2在1-2分钟,顾客都马上看到左右脸的美白明显的分别。
- 用了#2后再搽上#3尤其是在黑斑、色素、偏黄、暗哑的部位越喷水皮肤会看到越白皙越干净,黑眼圈也开始看到明显浅化掉。皮肤会开始感觉到有紧致的感觉。
- 当#4搽在毛孔粗糙的部位多喷水过后会看到毛孔变细变小掉,每个毛孔的地方都能看到很干净的现象。
- #2 & #4 + RAC 4试用在一位顾客额头上的暗疮、阻塞,连续用2天停2天再用1天,今天看到她的皮肤很明显暗疮开始消干了不会那么红肿了,印也浅化了。看回她之前和之后相片的比较更明显看到皮肤的改善。
- 最后搽上#5号皮肤更明显感觉到有紧致的现象。皮肤看起来很嫩很有水份。皱纹、细纹部位越来越幼细。
- 试用在半边皮肤,顾客在有左右脸比较下会看到有用的那边整个脸看起来很有活力感觉很精神。黑眼圈和眼袋两边会很明显的分别。
This is a picture taken by Sat Yun of her customer before using the product on the 24th of November.

The picture below was taken 5 days later on the 28th of November. Meaning that this customer has gone through a very simple home DIY treatment for 5 days. And obviously the pimples are smaller, less redish, overall skin is fairer and more stable. And yes, it is just five days!
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