Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekly Date With The Police

Last week I was not attending the candle light vigil, and heard from Pete that Menteri Besar, MPs, ADUNs and Councillors attended and it was a peaceful vigil.

This evening we went for the vigil again and it was disrupted for the third time!

Why is a peaceful gathering only allowed when there is present of Menteri Besar; why is it becoming illegal when it held without Menteri Besar?

In the past gatherings, it was peaceful and we didn’t create havoc to disturb the peace of Malaysia until policemen came and blocked the road, etc.

Policemen even asked us to disperse from a private property without any reasons given, I am very confused or I should say, we are so confused! Where is our right in doing the right thing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow... now become weekly date with police already...