Monday, January 12, 2009

Special treated candle light vigil

Last night as usual, went for a peaceful gathering at PJ Civic Center. All this while it is just a peaceful gathering and nothing “wrong” have we done. But, last night a big group of policemen, special branch officers, FRU, and even OCPD were there and asking us to disperse, reason given was “you are having illegal meeting”.

Guys, just imagine, all this while we are having a small gathering in a private property with permission given by the owner and yet we were asked to disperse for such a weird reason. Where is our RIGHT as Malaysian?!

Again if you are having a Chinese New Year, Raya or Deepavali gathering at home, and suddenly a big group of policemen of about 200 of them come and ask you to disperse as you are having an “illegal gathering”, what would you think?! This is a real ridiculous case where I really have to re-look into my RIGHT as a Malaysian!

More reports and pictures on this at,

Mandarin version,

English version,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So nice for you to drop by my blog...

I believe everything MUST have an explanation.
Why the permit stop issued by police?
Why they send sooooooo many police to come to disperse us while they should know from the SBs report that we are peaceful...
Why not just SOME police, but 200 police with FRU?
Whose idea is this?
Why they choose to come tis week? not the past 2 weeks?

Are we that scary???
Why pick on the weak?
Aren't police suppose to protect people?

This country is really sick!