Tuesday, December 9, 2008



1. 面頰出現斜紋,查查有無高血壓。  
2. 額頭出現短的橫紋,是神經衰弱、抑郁、焦躁的反映。  
3. 眉間紋是鼻竇不太好的症兆。  
4. 眼角魚尾紋密,是听力下降、偏頭痛的表現。  
5. 上眼皮皺紋密,是心臟不好的症兆。  
6. 鼻梁出現皺紋,膀胱和腎有病。  
7. 有嘴角紋、下巴有深紋,得查查腸胃。  
8. 頸紋深,查查頸椎和新陳代謝系統。

Besides keep going for skin treatment, try to put in some attentions on what message is our skin trying to tell us.

Wrinkles, pigmentations and pimples are the signals from body in telling us something is not so right in us.

Go for skin treatment and take the right supplement will get better skin instead.

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